Learn about all the MORAL KOMBAT manuals:
MK1: Ethical Decision-Making
MK2: Surviving Life
MK3: Parents & Teens
MK4: Emotion Control
MK5: Drugs & Alcohol
MK6: Shoplifting & Theft
MK7: Teen Driving
MK8: Family Reunion
MK9A/B: Truancy Intervention
MK10: Tobacco Deterrence
MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator's Manual
MORAL KOMBAT 1: Intensive Character Education and Ethical Decision-Making for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 1: Intensive Character Education & Ethical Decision-Making Strategies Description:
C.B.T.- and R.E.B.T.-based strategic approaches and CHARACTER COUNTS!® The Six Pillars of Character® build the foundation of the MK1 program. Youth internalize these values while gaining an understanding of how to apply intensive character education and ethical decision-making models and strategies to their lives.
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MORAL KOMBAT 1 Intensive Character Education and Ethical Decision-Making on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 1 Intensive Character Education and Ethical Decision-Making on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 1: Intensive Character Education & Ethical Decision-Making Strategies Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the Moral Kombat 1's teen intensive character education and ethical decision-making curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK1 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 1 Intensive Character Education and Ethical Decision-Making on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 1: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 1: Intensive Character Education and Ethical Decision-Making Strategies for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK1 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 48-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK1 Student Manual, includes five role-plays, one story, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 1 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
Some People Say:
"I feel like this class is very good for everyone in here and it seems to be teaching me a lot... I don't think there was a least helpful part of this class because every bit of it was a learning experience. Yes, this class has really helped me learn from my mistakes and it was done in a wonderful way. Even to have fun! And the teacher was helpful and nice!" Kurtis H.
"I really liked the class, it was really helpful. I have learned lot from my facilitator. She was really fun. She helped me out a lot too. I would recommend this class to others that need help. Thank you so much." Anonymous
"I think it is a really good process… it helped me a lot through this 4 weeks. I would recommend this class because it makes you see a different perspective." Hector M.
"I really liked the class. I got to express my feelings and get it all out. I would recommend this class because if you’re lost and you’re struggling with bad decisions then this would be the right class." Crystal M.
"It was exciting, interesting, and it helped me to know stuff of what I need to know in the future. You learn very much that you would need to get through life. The most helpful part was learning about decision making." Raychael M.
"I think that it has had a very positive effect on how I look at things now. I would recommend this class because it really pays off." Brittany M.
"I liked this and I think they helped me learn what is right and wrong in life. I would recommend it because I think it really will help them in decisions making." Robert K.
"The class is serious and fun at the same time. It teaches you good life skills and reasons to be a good person." Jaquay D.
"The class was a very good experience. I learned a lot of good things. It teaches a lot about responsibility and I would recommend it to anyone." Tyrelle D.
"It was really fun! I would like to do it more. Yes, I would recommend it because it helps you take care of anger!" Candace G.
MORAL KOMBAT 2: Surviving Life for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 2: Surviving Life Description:
Many youth have no idea how to create and sustain a productive, positive life for themselves. The focus of this program is on life, job and everyday survival skills for youth. (An adult program is also available.) In “Surviving Life,” youth receive a reality crash course in character education, personal relationships, teen parenting, emotion control, budgeting, and how to find and keep a job. Using cognitive behavioral-based strategies and approaches, this is an intensive program. It is designed more for the older teen.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 2 Surviving Life on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 2 Surviving Life on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 2: Surviving Life Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 2's surviving life curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK2 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 2 Surviving Life on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 2: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 2: Surviving Life for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK2 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 36-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK2 Student Manual, includes three role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 2 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
" I think this class can really help teenagers and maybe even save a few, too." Tyler J.
MORAL KOMBAT 3: Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 3: Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth Description:
This program was designed primarily to be used as a support guide for parents and caregivers of youth who complete a MK program or course guide. However, it can also be used with parents individually or as a couple to help resolve some of the most difficult issues we have as parents and to give a little support along the tumultuous path to raising a teenager. We also include helpful information for divorced parents and parents of students with chronic attendance and discipline issues.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 3 Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 3 Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 3: Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 3's Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK3 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 3 Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 3: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 3: Helping Parents Survive Today’s Youth for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK3 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 34-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK3 Student Manual, includes four role-plays (parents can utilize and discuss these with their children), details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 3 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
"The class allowed a lot of frustration to be released in a safe environment. I would recommend this class to allow parents to realize that it’s not always the parenting skills as much as the child’s “choices” that has brought them to this situation." Lisa M., Parent
"I wasn't excited to give up a Sat. morning but I am glad I came because it was encouraging & comforting to know we’re in this together! Good info. Offers hope & encouragement to weary parents. I appreciated everyone sharing their story -- everyone was very open. We're all trying to get these kids to the next level." Carol M., Parent
"At first I didn't want to come because I thought it was a waste of time. Now I enjoyed coming. I've learned a lot -- to spend more time with my child and to know him as a person and not a trouble teen. (By coming) You find out you’re not alone and people like you are having troubles with their teens. Understanding that there is good and bad in all and try to bring out the good." Doris C., Parent
"It was very good to talk to someone who knew what I was going through." Bruce T., Parent
"Yes, I would recommend this class because it provided helpful information regarding how to hold your kids accountable." Sandra B., Parent
"Yes, I would recommend this class because it was very interesting to discuss with other parents and to listen to other parents about their children. It was very helpful being able to discuss what kind of problems you have with your child and to hear other parents’ problems and know you are not alone." Kevin B., Parent
"It was informative and surprising at all the different problems kids have. I enjoyed it. It was helpful learning how to cope with problem children and how to help them." Charlotte C., Parent
"Every parent could use the class to help cope with troubled teens- to know you’re not the only one going though problems with teens. " Phyllis J., Parent
"This class is very good for allowing parents to vent and understand that other kids mess up too." Cindy H., Parent
" I felt it was helpful to listen to other experiences and know you are not the only one going through these experiences. I think it was also positive to let our kid know that we are affected by her actions." Jackie P., Parent
"Very informative. It was good to see other parents in similar situations to help get through the problems. All parents need information on helping teach their children right from wrong." Rachael H., Parent
"I found the most helpful part of this class to be talking with other parents and finding out you are in the same shoes as a lot of parents." Leonora B., Parent
"I honestly enjoy talking to other parents and learning that I am not alone in my child being truant." Sharice B., Parent
"I had put off coming to this class but it was actually very interesting and I actually enjoyed it! I wished I hadn’t put it off!" Lisa B., Parent
"I think this class is a very good tool to establish communication between a parent and child." Randy G., Parent
"I believe this class has made me feel that I am not alone in what I am dealing with as far as my teenager. It gives you a better understanding of how to deal with the problem at hand." Sherrie S., Parent
"It was a form of support in learning and meeting other parents who had experienced trouble with their child. It is a great support service." Becky H., Parent
"It was a very informative class - lots of ideas to deal with situations. Very informative. Allows you to know what is expected of the children and how to push them through." Michelle L., Parent
MORAL KOMBAT 4: Emotion Control for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 4: Emotion Control Description:
This program uses cognitive-based strategies to help troubled youth learn to deal with the turbulent emotions and stressors that often lead to serious problems for today’s teens. The “Emotion Control” program first addresses the powerful emotions that stem from rejection, failure, criticism, frustration, confusion, and disappointment which many times culminate in anger and rage. Stuffing emotionally volatile kids into anger management programs intended for developmentally mature adults in hope that it will make a difference is at best unrealistic, and at worst, downright dangerous. In “Emotion Control,” anger management techniques are addressed after the emotional issues are effectively dealt with.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 4 Emotion Control on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 4 Emotion Control on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 4: Emotion Control Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 4's teen emotion control curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK4 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 4 Emotion Control on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 4: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 4: Emotion Control for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK4 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 94-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK4 Student Manual, includes four role-plays, the Service Learning Project details, illustrated explanations of The Six Pillars of Character®, R.E.B.T. (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy), the 10 Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T, Stated Values vs Operational Values, and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 4 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
Some People Say:
"I thought the class was cool & help with how to control my anger. It help show me I don't have to always finish my battles & I can actually stay out of trouble." Adam F.
"It was very helpful. I would recommend it because it really gives good tips on controlling your feelings." Nicky G.
"I would recommend this class because it helps you find ways to overcome your problems." Caron B.
"It was helpful and made me understand why violence is never the answer. My facilitator was amazing." Alexandra W.
MORAL KOMBAT 5: Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 5: Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention Description:
This program utilizes cognitive-based strategies to help teens and adults who do not have serious alcohol or drug problems. This program is intended as an education, intervention and awareness program. It is meant to provide guidance and educational insight to teens whose A & D experimentation has created problems in their lives.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 5 Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 5 Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 5: Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 5's Drug and Alcohol Education, Awareness and Intervention curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK5 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 5 Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 5: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 5: Drug & Alcohol Education, Awareness & Intervention for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK5 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 36-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK5 Student Manual, includes two role-plays and two bonus role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 5 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
" I was very surprised at how wonderful it was. I love the interaction and I learned so much. I feel like it has helped me and I really think it could help others." Terri P.
"I'm over-all glad I took this class. It helped me realize I don't need drugs and alcohol in my life. ... Thank you for helping me get my life straight and realize my problems and how to fix them." Leia L.
"I have learned a lot in this class. I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would." Mikayla W.
"If you had problems, MK will help you overcome." Hunter B.
"The class was spectacular. Many valuable lessons and instructions for success in my life were learned." Gray P.
"This class helped me realize that drugs and alcohol can be a complete turn over to our lives, or life plannings." Luis C.
"The class was unexpectedly good. Was real enlightening in an understanding way." Joel A.
"The class gave me many ways of thinking and interpreting situations and the ability to make better decisions in life." Bradlee F.
"Being able to talk to everyone about my problems when they can relate was helpful." Amy F.
"It was a great experience and I truly learned so much more than I thought I would." Marah G.
"I was very surprised at how wonderful it was. I loved the interaction and I learned so much." Terri P.
"It has been a very good class and I have learned many interesting facts." Courtney C.
"It helps to be able to explain and talk about your bad habits. Talking to someone helps you control and overcome them." Ben R.
"The class helped me to realize I should make better decisions. It was a good experience. The class helps you find other ways to deal with your problems. It helps you to think about your future." Katie G.
"It was a great class because it helps you realize where you could go if you keep doing what you’re doing." Kevin C.
"This class made me see that what I’m doing is not good for me or my body and that I’m not only hurting myself, I’m hurting other people who love me." Blaike P.
"I think it is a great class and it is very informational. I believe that everyone has learned something and that’s what matters." Kimberly D.
"I liked the class. It was interesting. The class taught me a lot about life and what could happen if I continue down the same path. This class can only benefit you and help you make decisions." Allie J.
"I would recommend this class to people who have the same problems that I had. It could help them understand why they should change." Chris T.
"I believe this class helped me to stay clean of drugs and helped me find my own power to stay clean." Isaac W.
"It helped me overcome some fears and realize what I need to do to stay away from the bad and ugly." Alexandria W.
MORAL KOMBAT 6: Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 6: Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing Description:
This program, using cognitive behavioral-based strategies and approaches, guides teens and adults through an educational process to help them with personal self-control issues. Areas of study include theft, shoplifting and writing bad checks. Its mission is to help youth put an end to their disruptive behaviors and to build solid respectable futures based on a foundation of ethical decision-making and a genuine desire to make the right choices, for the right reasons, for their own well-being and for the well-being of their families and their communities.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 6 Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 6 Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 6: Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 6's Shoplifting, Theft, and Writing Bad Checks Education, Awareness and Intervention curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK6 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 6 Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 6: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 6: Theft, Shoplifting, & Bad Check Writing for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK6 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 40-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK6 Student Manual, includes five role-plays and one bonus role-play, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 6 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
"I liked it because the things we talk about makes me stop and think about what's best for me. I think this class is good for people like me because it makes you realize what you've done is wrong and selfish. It opened my eyes to reality. It's honestly made me a better person and helped me make wiser decisions." Taylor N.
"It has helped me kinda get back on track and focus on important things other than non-important things." Stephanie K.
"I learned a lot. It taught me how to be a better human being and own up to my mistakes." Cheyenne N.
"Very interesting. I think it’s awesome. Actually had a great time. Teacher was awesome. It was a real eye opener to people, especially me." Arielle D.
"It helped me realize more how what you do effects not only me but everyone around me." Shelby P.
"This class was a great opportunity. It makes people have an opportunity to do right instead of putting them on probation or jail." Mackenzi W.
"This class has helped me a lot. It has changed my life. I would recommend this class because it will turn their life around and help them like it did me." Taylor P.
"I think that the class helps you learn a lot about yourself and your goals for the future." ShyAnn W.
"It teaches a lesson and is fun at the same time. I would recommend this class because it changes your mind about a lot." Johnathan K.
"Everyone expressed themselves freely. It was actually really fun!" Timothy O.
MORAL KOMBAT 7: Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 7: Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens Description:
The number one cause of death for teens between the ages of 16 to 19 is from injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes. Studies indicate that teens in this age group are four times more likely than older drivers to be in an accident. This program, utilizing cognitive behavioral-based strategies and approaches, uses role-playing techniques and preventive guidance for teens who need to know how good decision-making skills and personal self-control can help make up for a lack of driving experience. It helps keep them, their passengers, and others they meet on the road, safe and alive.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 7 Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 7 Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 7: Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 7's teen defensive driving curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK7 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 2 Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 7: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 7: Preventive & Defensive Driving for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK7 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 34-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK7 Student Manual, includes two bonus role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., the Fatal Vision Goggles activity, and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 7 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
"It was actually very beneficial. I learned a lot and it was very fun and interesting. It really does help you realize how lucky you are and changes your outlook on driving." Kristen J.
"I enjoyed the class. It touched me and made me realize how my driving affects others as well as myself." Paige W.
"The class was helpful and made me realize that some of my habits are not just harmful to me, but to others." Aaron O.
"I enjoyed the class a lot. I’m glad I took this class." Taylor T
"It was a good class. It really helped me to realize my driving actions." Chropee S.
"I feel like this class opened my eyes to the dangers of distracted or dangerous driving. It is very informative and I feel like this would be good for any level driver." Collin E.
"I thought it was very interesting to learn about everyone’s stories. It is very helpful to hear about others being affected." Katie B.
"I thought this was very helpful. The instructor was very nice. I learned important things that I need to take into account while driving. I also learned what the consequences are of driving recklessly." Jessica C.
"I thought it was really interesting and I got to put my opinion into a lot of the things. I feel like the class went by really fast. I thought it was actually fun." Angela F.
"I enjoyed the course and participation aspects that were needed. Life is a gift. The driving while texting or distracted can be fatal and change your life or someone else’s. Don’t take driving or life for granted." Sophia M.
"This course brings light to even the smallest bad habits and it will help students learn better habits." Joseph I.
"My group was very motivating and outgoing. They truly helped me realize it is a good thing to keep progressing my skills of safe driving." Jasmine L.
"I feel like I learned that I should quit speeding because it could affect the people around me." Hannah H.
"I’ve learned new things. It is a good class and you will learn new things that help in your future decisions." Johnny M.
MORAL KOMBAT 8: FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 8: FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution Description:
During adolescence, a teen’s need for independence grows and asserts itself in many ways, often leading to very stressful and conflict-producing relationships between them and their parents. This program, utilizing cognitive behavioral strategies and approaches, is a hopeful solution to help re-establish balance to this parent-teen relationship. Family Reunion is a parent and teen communication and conflict resolution program, designed to give both parents and teens the skills they need to communicate effectively and understand each other’s individual and unique needs.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 8 FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 8 FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 8: FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 8's Family Reunion curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK8 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 8 FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 8: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 8: FAMILY REUNION: Parent and Teen Communication & Conflict Resolution for Teens and Parents or Caregivers manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK8 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 36-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK8 Student Manual, includes five bonus role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 8 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
"I really enjoyed the class -- realizing other parents and teens are going through the same things you are. It really helps to be able to open up & discuss your problems -- feeling no one is going to judge you but there to help. Great program -- would highly recommend to anyone." Becky H., Parent
"Wonderful, very eye opening, an enjoyable experience. I really learned a lot about myself and my teens during this program. I don't think anyone from any walk of life with children could walk away empty handed. I would love to help if I could in any way with future classes or any aspect of any MK classes. This class has truely (sic) inspired a deeper interest and concern for the future of teens today, that I think will grow into a deeper desire to want to help make a change." Teresa D., Parent
MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! Description:
Truancy is one of the leading causes of teens not graduating high school, living in poverty, and ending up in prison. Kids are truant for a variety of reasons—friends, poor relationship with teachers, a disconnectedness from their school, lack of interest in class topics, being bullied or teased, low self-esteem, drug or alcohol use, language barriers, lack of adequate social skills, etc. In this program, utilizing cognitive behavioral strategies and approaches, we educate our youth with eye-opening insight into the laws and regulations that, in many states, charges parents with Class C Misdemeanors for each day a child misses school. The program empowers youth to succeed by giving them specific options for overcoming their fears and insecurities. It offers ethical decision-making strategies that work, by teaching them (through a facilitated, mentored environment) proven communication, conflict resolution and negotiation skills.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 9AB's Truancy Control curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK9AB curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 9: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK9AB . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 50-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK9AB Student Manual, includes three bonus role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., how to teach empathy using the Wild Boar tale, and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
"Great. Informative. Gave me ability to talk about things & to learn things I didn't know based on my own statements as well as other people's. It helps to open up. You don't feel "alone in this" anymore. I hope my daughter got even a fraction of the help and understanding I feel I received from this class. Thank you!" Julana H.
MORAL KOMBAT 10: Tobacco Deterrence for $9.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
MORAL KOMBAT 10: Tobacco Deterrence Description:
The Surgeon General warns that about 3,800 kids start smoking every day. Because tobacco is so addictive, we know that once kids start, they are not likely to stop on their own. This program utilizes REBT (Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy) and educates them about health risks and the dangers of their addiction. This education, awareness, and intervention program was developed to combat the highly addictive nature, glamorization and commercialization of smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco from both a health and legal perspective.
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 10 Tobacco Deterrence on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 10 Tobacco Deterrence on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 10: Tobacco Deterrence Description:
MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 10's Tobacco Deterrence curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK10 curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 10 Tobacco Deterrence on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 10: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 10: Tobacco Deterrence for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK10 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 26-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK10 Student Manual, includes three role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 10 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Some People Say:
"I feel the class went well. I would recommend it because it will help you." Marcel B.
"It was wonderful! I recommend it because it was really eye opening." Peyton H.
"It really helps on some things. Every part was helpful to me." Kaiden R.
"I liked it a lot. I would recommend this course to others because it helps people talk about their feelings. Our facilitator was nice." Joshua C.
"It’s a good class to take. It’s fun and cool; there’s plenty of new things to learn about. I would most definitely recommend this class because I’ve learned a lot of new and helpful stuff. The most helpful part was finding out what they put in smoking tobacco, filters, and papers. There was nothing that wasn’t helpful because everything was important. Our instructor seems like she really cares. She’s really cool, outgoing, and open minded." Haley W.
"The course was very helpful. I found out that there are a lot of chemicals in cigarettes. I would recommend this class because the course could help just like it helped me. The facts that supported why tobacco products are bad and the Sean Marsee story were the most helpful. I enjoyed the instructors teaching style because she actually talked." Joshua G.
"The course was very helpful. I found out that there are a lot of chemicals in cigarettes. The course could help others the same way it has helped me." Jordan G.
"The class was good but we couldn’t dip and we had to wake up on a Saturday at nine in the morning. I would recommend this class though. It teaches people about things like smokeless tobacco. I learned a lot. My instructor was a nice person." Billy C.
"The course was good except I didn’t have a dip. I would recommend this class because it’s helpful. You learn some things you would really want to know about tobacco and all its effects. There was nothing I didn’t find helpful about the class. My instructor was very helpful." Joshua A.
"It was good! We learned so much. We went over many materials. The most helpful part was learning the real facts." Josh C.
"It was really fun and educational. I would recommend it because it would help a lot. My facilitator was really nice." Dalton M.
MORAL KOMBAT Intervention Programs Facilitator’s Manual for $49.95 on Amazon.com
See info below.
Facilitator's Manual MORAL KOMBAT Intervention Programs Facilitator’s Manual Description:
The MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual for MORAL KOMBAT 1 to 10 was designed to assist the facilitator and the service provider with a basic and simple understanding of the MK programs and to give valuable information that will be needed to conduct the various modules. Please keep in mind that even though this 430-page manual is extremely detailed, in order to conduct the programs effectively, training by Foundations for Life Principles is highly recommended. During the training, the methodology is explained in great detail and practiced with experiential learning activities. Each of the programs is introduced and segments are practiced. Participants gain a clear understanding of how MK works and have the opportunity to ask vital questions and receive clarification on matters that may not be clear to them.(Check out the next available training and reserve your slot today.)
Click on the link or the picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 10: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:
Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 1 through MORAL KOBMAT 10: Facilitator’s manual that sells for $49.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK1 through MK10 . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.
This 100-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK1 through MK10 Student Manuals, includes twelve role-plays, one story, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., and more.
Click on the link and/or picture to view and/or order this book on Amazon.com
MORAL KOMBAT 1 through MORAL KOMBAT 10 Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists on Amazon.com
(Links Coming Soon)
Vital Information:
The only people authorized to teach MORAL KOMBAT are ones who have taken a Foundations for Life training course taught by an approved East Tennessee trainer. Those wishing to teach MORAL KOMBAT to teens must teach utilizing one of our ten MORAL KOMBAT manuals with the copyright date of 2015 or later. You may order these manuals from Amazon.com or via a link on our MORAL KOMBAT website.
Additional Costs:
Once training has occurred and you begin to implement the program, the cost of the student manuals are:
Course Manual Cost Per Student Enrolled:
● $9.95 per manual (per student)
Includes the following:
● A 5% discount off bulk purchases of all our manuals.
(A purchase of 100 to 250 manuals)
● A 10% discount off bulk plus purchases of all our manuals.
(A purchase of 251 to 500 manuals)
**Remember that costs for manuals will be recovered as you charge the students for their manuals. You could ask for the $9.95 to cover the manuals upon initial registration for their classes. This way, you would have the money up-front to order the student manuals prior to the class even beginning.Facilitator Manual Cost for Trained Facilitator:
● $ 49.95 per manual (per facilitator trained)
**Facilitator manual purchase is mandatory for all trained facilitators.
Other Important Information to Consider:
All trainings include:
● A detailed MK Implementation "How To" Manual
● Unlimited Support Services from the National Office
● A detailed Implementation "How To" Manual on how to develop an annual fundraising campaign that could yield $30,000 to $100,000 for "Working Scholarships" for youth and their families that cannot afford to pay the fees for MK
● $99.95 Annual Certification/Recertification per Facilitator
Each organization offering MK are required to mail to FLP annually, an acceptable-for-viewing, one-hour video, of each trained or certified facilitator "in action" while facilitating an MK Group. Our Evaluation/Certification Department will view the tape and give a written critique and a recertification certificate if the facilitator met the most basic requirements of MK's methodology and pedagogy. If not, they will get a full evaluation that includes what that facilitator must do to get recertification. Another video would be submitted for recertification at that time.
Purchasing MK Materials prior to training:
MK materials may be purchased and even utilized prior to training; however, a facilitator manual must be purchased per facilitator for each organization. Also, each perspective facilitator must read, study, practice, and research the methodologies and pedagogies discussed in the facilitator manual, take the quiz at the end of the manual, sign the agreement also at the end of the manual, stating training will be obtained through Foundations for Life Principles at one of our training sites within six months of purchase, and mail to us both the quiz and agreement prior to holding your first MK group, to the following address:
Attention: Legal Department
Foundations for Life Principles
P.O. Box 5815
Johnson City, Tennessee 37602
● $ 49.95 per manual (per facilitator trained)
**Facilitator manual purchase is mandatory for all trained facilitators.
● A detailed MK Implementation "How To" Manual
● Unlimited Support Services from the National Office
● A detailed Implementation "How To" Manual on how to develop an annual fundraising campaign that could yield $30,000 to $100,000 for "Working Scholarships" for youth and their families that cannot afford to pay the fees for MK
Foundations for Life Principles
P.O. Box 5815
Johnson City, Tennessee 37602