Table of Contents

Foundations for Life Principles is an ethics-based business founded on CHARACTER COUNTS!® The Six Pillars of Character®: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. We practice these principles in all we do. We operate by the Golden Rule as our key business strategy and our policy and procedures indicate such.

We are proud of the Continuum of Services we offer nation-wide as our success only indicates the success and achievement of our clients and the families they serve. Our nearly 80% success rate indicated in our recidivism studies and our researched based pedagogy and methodology is only part of the reason for the overwhelming response to our Continuum of Services. We at MK continue to study the latest nation's best practices and will continue to incorporate them into our continuum. We are committed to being an evidenced-based program that strives toward excellence and makes positive changes in the lives of everyday American families.


