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MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! for $9.95 on

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MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! Description:

Truancy is one of the leading causes of teens not graduating high school, living in poverty, and ending up in prison. Kids are truant for a variety of reasons—friends, poor relationship with teachers, a disconnectedness from their school, lack of interest in class topics, being bullied or teased, low self-esteem, drug or alcohol use, language barriers, lack of adequate social skills, etc. In this program, utilizing cognitive behavioral strategies and approaches, we educate our youth with eye-opening insight into the laws and regulations that, in many states, charges parents with Class C Misdemeanors for each day a child misses school. The program empowers youth to succeed by giving them specific options for overcoming their fears and insecurities. It offers ethical decision-making strategies that work, by teaching them (through a facilitated, mentored environment) proven communication, conflict resolution and negotiation skills.

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MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! on


MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! on

Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! Description:

MORAL KOMBAT utilizes the nation’s best practices in all MK programs including cognitive behavioral approaches, rational emotive behavioral therapy, facilitation, coaching and mentoring, experiential and service learning, collaborative groups and many more. In order to be effective, facilitators must have, at a very minimum, a basic knowledge of these pedagogical methodologies. Also, at the training, facilitators will get an insight on the MORAL KOMBAT 9AB's Truancy Control curriculum and this program’s experiential learning activities. The purchase of a facilitator manual is mandatory for anyone who plans to utilize, in a group setting, the MK9AB curriculum. It is expected that all those who want certification in MORAL KOMBAT attend training in these approaches. Training in the pedagogy and methodologies of MK is strongly recommended and certification in MK will not occur unless training is obtained through Foundations for Life Principles.

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Facilitator’s Manual MORAL KOMBAT 9AB Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! on

Facilitator’s Manual

MORAL KOMBAT 9AB: Featured Role-Plays, Pillars, & Mind Twists Booklet Description:

Along with your purchase of the MORAL KOMBAT Facilitator’s Manual plus one copy per student of the MORAL KOMBAT 9: Truancy Intervention - Making Choices Count! for Teens manual that sells for $9.95 each, here is a time-saving option for you to consider. Rather than photocopying the role-plays from the Facilitator’s Manual every time you wish to teach a MORAL KOMBAT class, you may wish to purchase a reusable booklet that contains all the role-plays, six pillars, and ten mind twists that are featured in MK9AB . You could purchase one copy per student or one copy for each pair of students to share.

This 50-page booklet, to be used in conjunction with the MK9AB Student Manual, includes three bonus role-plays, details of the Service Learning Project, some experiential learning activities, some illustrated skits of stated values versus operational values, illustrated explanations of both The Six Pillars of Character® plus the ten Cognitive Distortions/Mind Twists of R.E.B.T., how to teach empathy using the Wild Boar tale, and more.

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Role-Play book

Some People Say:

"Great. Informative. Gave me ability to talk about things & to learn things I didn't know based on my own statements as well as other people's. It helps to open up. You don't feel "alone in this" anymore. I hope my daughter got even a fraction of the help and understanding I feel I received from this class. Thank you!" Julana H.